Legacy of Kain Artwork
My LOK Artwork- Ink Medium- Cowlless Raziel- Giant Poster-sized!
My LOK Art- Pastel - Kain and Raziel Defiance promo with custom background
My LOK Art- Charcole Medium- Lieutenant Raziel
My LOK Art- Cowlless Raziel- Colored in Photoshop.
My LOK Collection- My Figures, memorabilia, and my SOUL REAVER SWORD!!!
Legal Stuff
My LOK Art- Cowlless Raziel- Colored in Photoshop.

This Picture was a simple assignment filler for class. Its basicly my Raziel Ink Picture but I took a size-perfect picture of it and colored it using Adobe Photoshop. Only took about 2 Hours to make. Its only the size of a regular piece of printer paper, unlike my Huge hand-drawn Ink version which is over 3 feet wide.
Click on the Thumbnails to View the Images in thier normal size.

Lens Flare. Circa Adobe Photoshop 1998 =D

A little Darker Shot, and less lens flare.

A closer image of Raziel's Main body area

A Close up of Raziel's Face