My LOK Artwork- Ink Medium- Cowlless Raziel- Giant Poster-sized!
Legacy of Kain Artwork
My LOK Artwork- Ink Medium- Cowlless Raziel- Giant Poster-sized!
My LOK Art- Pastel - Kain and Raziel Defiance promo with custom background
My LOK Art- Charcole Medium- Lieutenant Raziel
My LOK Art- Cowlless Raziel- Colored in Photoshop.
My LOK Collection- My Figures, memorabilia, and my SOUL REAVER SWORD!!!
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My LOK Artwork- Ink Medium- Cowlless Raziel- Giant Poster-sized!

  This was my First LOK themed serious project. It took me a good Month to Finish it. I used a number of differant Sharpie Marker Sizes for raziel and all of his shading and detail.
     The background was made by a very ingenius splatter effect a friend told me about. First trace out a piece of Transparant Ascitate of the character (Raziel), then cut it out, and lay it perfectly on top of the Picture. use painter's tape to hold it down. Then take pure liquid Black Ink and a tooth brush. pour the ink in a saucer and dip the tooth brush in it. Then Bend out a paperclip to make it straight. now continuosly brush the paperclip torwards you on the toothbrush, about 8 or 9 inches from the picture. It will slowly but surely create a specail and unique texturized background. Remove the Ascitate layer and wait for it to dry. Viola! you get this!
  This is my favorite picture I've made, and its a huge poster-sized piece of artwork. Its Measurements are 2" 1' by 3" 11' which is nicely hung on my wall next to my trigun wallscroll and above my TV.
Click the Thumbnails to make them bigger.

Cowlless Raziel in Ink.
A Close-up on Raziel's Face.

For Size Comparision. The FFVIII figures on the VCR are 9" tall

Another Size Comparision. This one with my Trigun Poster. The Vash Plushie is about 11" tall.